Do we need more ‘masculine energy’ at work? | 我们在工作中是否需要更多的“阳刚之气”? - FT中文网

Do we need more ‘masculine energy’ at work?

Mark Zuckerberg wants to celebrate aggression but his suggestion that office life has become less competitive is a nonsense
The Meta chief executive with podcaster Joe Rogan last week
上周,Meta首席执行官与播客主持人乔•罗根(Joe Rogan)会面
Mark Zuckerberg wants to unleash more testosterone in the workplace. Speaking on The Joe Rogan Experience last week, the Meta chief executive set out his vision. “A lot of the corporate world” has become “pretty culturally neutered”, he said during a near three-hour interview with the podcaster. “Society has plenty of that, but I think . . . having a culture that celebrates the aggression a bit more has its own merits that are really positive.”
马克•扎克伯格(Mark Zuckerberg)希望在工作场所释放更多的睾丸激素。上周,这位Meta首席执行官在《乔•罗根体验》节目中阐述了他的愿景。在与播客主持人进行近三个小时的采访中,他表示,“很多企业界”已经变得“相当文化中性”。社会上已经有很多这样的现象,但我认为……拥有一种更能赞美侵略性的文化有其自身的优点,这些优点非常积极。”
Hell yeah! Following his Lizard Person and “Wife Guy” guises, the protean Zuckerberg has now entered his Jordan Belfort era, albeit one that involves wearing a grown-out “fro” and a gold medallion (inscribed with the Jewish prayer Mi Sheberach that he sings to his daughters every evening when he tucks them into bed). Gone is the pasty complexion of the replicant last seen testifying at the Senate; the Zuck skin is bronzed, the bod is buffed from his current obsession with martial arts. It was the study of Brazilian jiu-jitsu that apparently helped inform his chauvinistic epiphany: he told Rogan that hanging out with his male friends while they “beat each other” had enabled him to redefine his relationship with masculinity. Hmm. 
当然!继“蜥蜴人”和“宠妻男”形象之后,多变的扎克伯格现在进入了他的乔丹•贝尔福特(Jordan Belfort)(电影《华尔街之狼》的原型)时代,不过他留着蓬松的头发,戴着一枚金质奖章(上面刻有犹太祈祷文Mi Sheberach,他每晚在哄女儿入睡时都会唱给她们听)。在参议院作证时的苍白肤色已经不见了;扎克伯格的皮肤变得古铜色,身体因他目前对武术的痴迷而变得健美。据说是巴西柔术的学习帮助他领悟了大男子主义的顿悟:他告诉罗根,与男性朋友一起“互相打斗”让他重新定义了对男性气概的理解。嗯。
These latest pronouncements follow the bigger news that Meta will no longer be using fact-checkers, all part of a rather craven effort to win favour with the incoming Republican regime. It’s a far cry from the snivelling penitent who was last year apologising to those parents who had lost children to sexual exploitation or harassment via his social media platforms. Likewise, his desire to reintroduce aggression to the workplace seems somewhat out of character for an individual who spent the better part of last year preparing a version of “Get Low”, the “lyrical masterpiece” by T-Pain, to serenade his wife Priscilla Chan, or skipping around the garden under a massive turquoise statue of her likeness. 
这些最新声明紧随Meta宣布不再使用事实核查员这一更大新闻之后,这一切显然是为了讨好即将上台的共和党政权而做出的怯懦之举。这与去年那个在社交媒体平台上向因性剥削或骚扰失去孩子的父母哭着道歉的卑微忏悔者判若两人。同样,他希望在工作场所重新引入攻击性的愿望,也与他去年大部分时间都花在为妻子普莉希拉•陈(Priscilla Chan)准备T-Pain的“歌词杰作”《Get Low》版本,以此为她献唱,或者在花园里围绕着她的巨大绿松石雕像蹦蹦跳跳的形象完全不符。

One co-worker offers helpfully to ‘start spraying Lynx Africa under the desks’

一位同事热心地提议“开始在办公桌下喷洒Lynx Africa男士喷雾”

What precisely is this “masculine energy” of which he speaks, and how can we apply it? Naturally I turn to my colleagues to ask for advice and present their thoughts entirely without credit on the basis that the first rule of ME is surely to exploit the brilliance of those around you and then pass off all of their ideas and innovations as your own. 
1. Team-building trip to Hawaii to hunt invasive pigs
1. 团队建设之旅:前往夏威夷猎捕入侵的野猪
2. Slack group rating the attractiveness of female employees
2. Slack群组对女性员工的吸引力进行评分
3.  Lads’ mag lending library and a dartboard on every floor
3. 每层楼设有男士杂志借阅区和飞镖盘
4. Forcing everyone to sponsor your fifth Marathon des Sables
4. 强迫所有人赞助你的第五次撒哈拉沙漠马拉松
5. Leaving meetings after five minutes or dropping off a call because you’ve absorbed enough already/ “cannot add further value”
5. 在会议进行五分钟后离开,或因为已经获取足够信息/“无法再增加价值”而挂断电话
6. Protein only for lunch
6. 午餐只吃蛋白质
7. Installing a wall of massive TVs that play a constant stream of live sports matches, no matter the hour, no matter the obscurity of the sport. 
7. 安装一面巨大的电视墙,无论时间,无论运动项目的冷门程度,都会持续不断地播放体育赛事直播。
8. Replacing the water taps with Madrí
8. 用Madrí啤酒替代水龙头出水
Negotiating the specifics of masculinity in this era of millennial sensitivity however is not so straightforward. The idea that the tender young swains who inhabit my creative field might have a yen to unleash their inner wolves seems almost laughable to me. While one co-worker offers helpfully to “start spraying Lynx Africa under the desks” if we feel the need to disrupt the carefully ungendered environment we have been fostering, most expressions of male masculinity, in our department anyway, involve regularly embracing and the provision of home-baked goods. 
然而,在这个千禧一代敏感的时代,探讨男性气质的具体细节并非易事。对于那些在我的创意领域中活动的年轻温柔男子可能渴望释放内心狼性的想法,我几乎觉得有些可笑。当一位同事热心地提议“如果我们觉得有必要破坏我们一直精心营造的无性别环境,可以开始在桌子底下喷洒Lynx Africa”时,在我们部门,男性气质的体现大多体现在定期拥抱和提供自制的烘焙食品上。
I often observe male colleagues hugging while wandering the newsrooms of the Financial Times offices, and not just in the “hearts and flowers” departments that will henceforward describe Weekend features, but even within the high-tension, high-stakes worlds of Companies and Markets, too. As another colleague points out: Zuckerberg may have a point that we’ve all gone a bit soft, but he is confusing gender politics with generational attitudes, and perhaps he is simply advocating for Gen-X energy and a return to the dirty old days of office life. 
Certainly, I remember working in a newsroom in the late 1990s when masculine energy swole unfettered all around us. And I do rather miss the drama of watching senior management get into fistfights and stand-offs over tiny misunderstandings, and men and women behaving badly as they were wont to do those days. I miss that louche, less nannied attitude that allowed people more latitude with their projects, plus the freedom from the Slack tyranny that keeps one chained to one’s computer every hour of the day. But I don’t miss the gropey leering, nor the patronising twaddle, nor the men’s club meetings into which one might be invited if one’s skirt was grazing sufficiently highly on the thigh. 
The suggestion, however, that the workplace has become any less competitive for the addition of a few hugs and home-baked pastries is a nonsense. In a market where employment levels are so stagnant, young graduates and interns must conceal their killer instincts while constantly negotiating how to advance their professional lives. Everyone knows the most successful young careerists these days are not the aggressive wilder men of history, but the ones who bring the biscuits, make the deadlines, put in the extra effort and steer new projects. Zuckerberg’s wrong: we’re more in need of that most feminine of energies in the workplace, the ability to multitask.
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